Updated Adobe Connect iPad and iPhone app

Updated Adobe Connect iPad and iPhone app

by Myles Carrick -
Number of replies: 0
As part of UNE's move to Moodle, many courses and units are making use of the University's Adobe Connect environment for rich "live" classroom environments.

Adobe has just announced an updated version of the iPhone and iPad app: http://blogs.adobe.com/adobeconnect/2011/05/adobe-connect-mobile-1-5-for-apple-ios-now-available-tablet-optimized-two-way-video-conferencing.html

It's available at http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/adobe-connect-mobile-for-ios/id430437503

The previous version of the mobile client allowed for audio; this version adds two-way video support and a load of other features. There's still a little way to go in providing a complete mobile experience, but it's a great move in the right direction.

We hope it helps further enrich your learning experience with UNE.

NB. This version of the Adobe Connect mobile app is also already available for Android (at https://market.android.com/details?id=air.com.adobe.connectpro&feature=search_result ) and Blackberry (http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/content/36989/)